Clarification needed at "1.8. Sending events to the Eclipse 4 IEventBroker" #1279

Submitted 6 months ago

Some of the sentences are not completely clear. Please check them, maybe these are worth to rewrite.

Chapter: "1.8. Sending events to the Eclipse 4 IEventBroker"

To send event via dependency injection and the IEventBroker, you also need to add the "" in your event send from event admin.

 — so does that mean that it is a must to always create a Map and add the entry

properties.put("", target);

to it? The earlier examples used only a string as a topic and an arbitrary Object, e.g., todo);

Another issue is that there is this sentence after the code example:

The above code would be believed

 — it’s not finished.


  6 months ago

Hi Robert,

I fails to understand why this text is unclear to you…​

Just kidding, the text was definitely incorrect, misleading and incomplete.

I re-wrote it and added an example. Hope this makes in clearer. Please re-open if this text is not work clear enough.

Best regards, Lars

  6 months ago

Update live in 5 minutes…​.

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