A question and two typos #1342

Submitted 4 months ago

After adding the JRE, my build fails:

[ERROR] Cannot resolve target definition: [ERROR] Software being installed: a.jre.javase 17.0.0 [ERROR] Software being installed: org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.minimal.feature.group 17.0.10.v20240120-1143 [ERROR] Cannot satisfy dependency: org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.minimal 17.0.10.v20240120-1143 conflicts with: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; a.jre.javase 0.0.0

Do you have any idea of what I might be doing wrong here?

And I found two typos:

Section 1.1, 1st sentence: "so that so" should be "so that no"

Last sentence is missing a word at the end.


  3 months ago

Thanks, Typos fixed.

For you build: Can you add <resolveWithExecutionEnvironmentConstraints>false</resolveWithExecutionEnvironmentConstraints>

to the target section and see if that helps?

So the target entry would look like:

  2 months ago

Indeed, the error is gone, thanks.

There’s only one mismatch on the exercise that I believe should be adjusted: it directs you to add the "minimal" unit and then add the "full" feature to the product.

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