Question regarding update site #1343

Submitted 4 months ago

Indeed, an update site was created on updatesite/target.

But I’ve seen before this exercise that an update site had already been created on com.vogella.tasks.product\target\repository

What’s the difference between them?


  3 months ago

Hi, I added the following explanation to the exercise:

The Tycho build creates similar content for the product in the target\repository folder. The distinction between an update site created based on a category file and the target/repository folder generated for a product build primarily revolves around their intended use cases and content organization.

  • An update site created with Tycho based on a category file is specifically designed for distributing Eclipse plug-ins, features, and other components to Eclipse users. The category file (category.xml) serves as a manifest that defines how components are organized into categories, making it easier for users to discover and install them through the Eclipse Update Manager. This update site:

  • The target/repository folder generated during a product build with Tycho is a part of the build output that contains the assembled product, including all its required plug-ins, features, and configuration files. While it can also serve as an update site for the product, its primary purpose is to package the product build. It includes similar metadata files that describe the product’s contents, which allows it to be used to update or install the product.

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